Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Monsters with Mustaches Case Study # 4: Bogart

Name: Bogart
Age: 71
Mustache: Fancy

Bogart is an enigma, but a harmless one. Despite a shockingly low IQ of 85, he managed to become a lauded Shakespearean actor, most notably playing the lead roles in Central Park's summer Shakespeare series from 1958-1962. However, his dim wits were no match for the excesses of fame and fortune in New York at the time, and the end of the 1960s found him penniless and deep in an alcoholic stupor. A devoted aunt plucked him from his tenement and took him on as the activities director at her B&B in Manzanillo, Mexico, and he has remained there ever since. He claims to have lost an eye in a deep sea fishing accident, but some say it is still there, and merely lazy. He has had his mustache for twenty years; it itches.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Monsters with Mustaches Case Study #3: Linus

Name: Linus
Age: 50
Mustache: Biker

This blue-eyed gentle giant is Linus. His true height is 7'11", but he is insecure about it and stoops so he only looks 7'5". He was born deaf, and currently works as a librarian at a university for the hearing impaired in San Jose. He is an avid amateur chef, and met his girlfriend Emily online in a forum for fans of molecular gastronomy. They recently learned how to windsurf.